The ASPIRE Program provides free ESL and High School Equivalency Classes, as well as Early Childhood and Parenting education for families who have children 0-7 years old.

If you are interested in participating in the ASPIRE Program please


Contact Rob Patton, Senior Program Coordinator 512-464-9706

The Communities In Schools ASPIRE Family Literacy Program (Achieving Success through Parental Involvement, Reading and Education) provides comprehensive literacy services for the entire family. SERVICES: ASPIRE provides education for families with children 0-7 years old who are in need of ESL and/or GED classes, and live in southeast Austin. Services are provided at in the ASPIRE building behind Travis High School, as well as during monthly home visits. ASPIRE serves approximately 100 families per year. ASPIRE PROVIDES:

  • Evidence-based parenting classes
  • Early Childhood services and supervision while parents attend Adult Education classes (non-licensed facility)
  • Adult education (ESL, GED, Computers)
  • “Parent As Teachers” home visits
  • Inter-generational literacy activities

IMPACT:  ASPIRE raises literacy levels of adults and children while increasing parents’ ability and confidence in supporting their children’s literacy needs at home and in school. School district performance data indicate that ASPIRE children academically outperform their peers even years after having left the program. IN THEIR OWN WORDS: “I feel privileged to be a part of this program, and almost all of my goals have been accomplished. In the course of the year I’ve learned many things, for example the importance of reading to my children… In the ASPIRE program, I’m inspired to excel and to believe in myself. I have what it takes; I only need the right tools, and it seems I have found them.” Maria Tello, ASPIRE parent, GED earner

Do you want to support a child in your life?  Get free text messages with easy, practical tips and activities right to your cell phone targeted to your child’s age.  Bright By Text messages include information on development, language and early literacy, health and safety, behavioral tips, and more.  Click on the button below to subscribe! 

ASPIRE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: · Early Childhood Classroom Assistant · Children’s Recreation Activity Leader – Summer Only VOLUNTEER CONTACT: Email:

The ASPIRE Family Literacy program is supported by:

The ASPIRE Family Literacy program works with many amazing community partners! We are proud to work alongside: