Focusing on Four Essentials to Improve Campus Climate

Students learn best when they are in environments in which they feel safe, supported, challenged, and accepted. Research shows that when schools and districts focus on improving school climate, students are more likely to engage in the curriculum, develop positive relationships, and demonstrate positive behaviors.

In the 2020-2021 school year, Communities In Schools of Central Texas identified four campus climate goals to focus on: family engagement, social emotional learning, school engagement, and restorative practices. Each of our 96 Program Managers consulted with their principal and then identified one specific focus area to target in order to measurably impact the school through school climate initiatives. Program Managers will be trained in their focus area and have a collaborative team to share best practices with throughout the school year.

About the Pathways

  • Family Engagement: CIS staff will implement effective and culturally responsive family engagement for all families on the CIS caseload by providing monthly family contact and acting as a bridge between the family and the school. Efforts are intended to engage the family in their student’s academics.


  • Restorative Practice: This pathway will focus on utilizing relational skills to increase students’ sense of belonging, social engagement, and meaningful accountability in order to enhance school climate.


  • School Engagement: CIS staff will work closely with the school to support the efforts of reengaging students into the school environment, whether that be virtual or in-person. CIS staff will provide intensive engagement supports for their case managed students and campus-wide efforts to improve attendance schoolwide or for targeted grade levels.


  • Social and Emotional Learning Campus Climate: CIS staff will provide their campus community with Social and Emotional strategies and practices that will create a safe and supportive start to the school year, and address the wide social and emotional needs of students, families, and faculty.