Strategic Plan | 2021-2026


The Strategic Plan weekly series is designed to introduce staff to the 2021-2026 plan,

while providing context, and sharing all the steps that led to its creation.

Week 1: Recap from the last 2016-2020 Strategic Plan Watch the recording

Week 2: Presentation of the new planWatch the recording

Week 3: Data – Performance Measures Watch the recording and view the CIS of Atlanta Video

Week 4: Family Engagement SessionWatch the recording and Dr. Karen Mapp on parent and family engagement in education

Week 5: Video Viewing and Discussion: Research from E3Watch the recording and E3 Alliance presentation  

Week 6: Data Deep Dive – What is More Effective – Watch the recording

Week 7: Search Institute – Family Engagement – Watch the recording

Week 8: Check & Connect

Week 9: Promotion and Launch Plan